15 April 2010

Satu Lagi Messi

Sekali lagi kita dihentak oleh kehebatan sosok Lionel Messi. Ia mampu tampil begitu sempurna di laga prestisius kontra Arsenal di perempat final Liga Champion Eropa. Rasanya memang tak ada yang meragukan kehebatannya. Semua gelar bergengsi sudah diperolehnya baik secara tim maupun pribadi. Namun satu hal yang dirindukan oleh hamper setiap pemain sepakbola adalah mencicipi gelar piala Dunia. Tentunya kegemilangan Messi memberikaqn harapan pada Argentina untuk mewujudkan mimpi ini. Namun sayangnya penampilam Messi di timnas belum dapat dikategorikan gemilang. Messi sepertinya belum mampu memaksimalkan potensi bersama rekan-rkan di timnas. Hal ini sangat disayangkankan tentunya. Kini banyak pihak yang mengatakan bahwa Messi adalah salah satu maestro sepakbola. Namun sesunguhnya maestro yang kita kenal macam Diego Maradona dan Pele pastinya pernah memberikan gelar Piala Dunia bagi negaranya. Inilah syarat terakhir yang harus dipenuhi Messi agar namanya bisa terus dikenang sebagai pesepakbola yang sukses. Yakinlah kalau ia memang legenda, ia bisa mewujudkannya. Bravo Messi.

08 April 2010

Sejak (Sejenak Bijak)

"Orang yang bahagia dan orang yang tak bahagia sebenarnya memiliki pengalaman hidup yang relatif sama. Bedanya orang yang tak bahagia menghabiskan 2 (dua) kali lipat waktunya untuk memikirkan kembali banyak hal yang membuatnya tidak bahagia, sedangkan orang yang bahagia menghabiskan 4 kali lipat waktunya untuk mengenang satu momen yang selalu membuatnya bahagia."

Controversy of Internet Using

Internet using sometimes become a controversy. Basically, human create this innovation for help someone who needs some information from many places or some country in the world. It can make some people get some information fast. Beside that, it also becomes a good facility of education for student. In the other side, it can give bad effect mainly for children, because they don’t get a complete guiding from their parents. It makes children get some bad information that don’t need. Therefore, it makes some problem for their growing.

If we want to find some information from other country, we can use internet. It can help us for solve the problem. Internet can help us to find some literature and knowledge for our task. Internet becomes a good facility of education for student. We can get some news so that we can know many things. So, Internet using can delete all of bordering in this world. We can send news fast and use internet as a good facility of global communication.

On the other hand, we can see that children or teen change their habit. Internet make student be addict and forget other thing like study, eat, etc. They always browse almost every time, for join in facebook, twitter, friendster or to play online games etc. Beside that, we can find some cases that children or teenagers become victims of cyber crime. They get some bad information about violence, ########### or sexual content or criminality. They do not get some good guiding so that it not good for their growing of personality.

From the fact above, we can see some effect who created by Internet Using. A facility is created for support all of humans activity. If it can’t use well, we must check what’s wrong. Internet can use for grow our knowledge and quality of our global relationship. But we must give a good guiding mainly for children to use internet. If you don’t do that, it’s very dangerous for their growing.

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